Answering Your Gloo Questions

Hopefully, you have heard the good news! Gloo recently acquired ChurchSalary and Church Law & Tax from our previous holding company, Christianity Today.
To answer some of the questions you may have about ChurchSalary joining the Gloo family of brands, we’ve compiled a Q&A. If you have more questions, please contact us.
Who is Gloo?
Gloo is a trusted platform whose goal is to release the collective might of the faith ecosystem. Gloo already serves over 70,000 churches on its platform, where they leverage tools like free texting, assessments to know their people and make better leadership decisions, connections to new people, and a growing marketplace of resources to serve every facet of the church. As a leading technology innovator, Gloo is a tech platform that connects ministry leaders to resources, people, data and insights and funding so their people and communities flourish and their organizations thrive. Gloo is based in Boulder, Colorado.
Gloo is committed to equipping ministry leaders with innovative tech solutions and expert thought leadership across a variety of ministry functions.
The acquisition of ChurchSalary and Church Law & Tax, will enable Gloo to come alongside our brands and help us serve and equip churches and leaders as we continue to help church leaders steward finances, taxes, and staff compensation for their congregations.
What about staff?
Gloo hired the three core employees who have been shepherding ChurchSalary and Church Law & Tax. All other marketing and support staff for the brands remain employees of Christianity Today. No one was laid off or let go.
Under the new title of Business Owner, Aaron Hill will continue to oversee ChurchSalary. Matt Branaugh, also with the new title of Business Owner, will continue to oversee Church Law & Tax with the assistance of Rick Spruill (Digital Content Manager).
“Over the last two months, the three of us have visited Gloo headquarters in Boulder, Colorado twice for in-person meetings,” said Aaron Hill. “We could not be more excited about the future of our respective brands as well as the talent and vision of Gloo’s leadership team–particularly, Scott Beck (Chief Executive Officer), Brad Hill (Chief Solutions Officer), and Brian Johnson (Chief Technology Officer).”
What will change?
During the initial transition period (between now and July 31, 2022) ChurchSalary’s website and salary report will look and function the same.
After July, with the assistance of Gloo’s team of world-class developers, you will start to see improvements, more regular database updates, and the implementation of our long standing plans to innovate and create new features and tools to help churches better evaluate salaries, benefits, and total compensation.
Gloo’s mission to “serve the champion”–the church leaders who steward and shepherd the growth and health of their congregations–is perfectly aligned with the vision and goals of ChurchSalary and Church Law & Tax.
As Brad Hill, Chief Solutions Officer, noted in the recent press release, “Both organizations have a proven track record of delivering exceptional value to church leaders. By integrating their capabilities into the Gloo portfolio of offerings, we can serve more church leaders in even more comprehensive ways, ultimately helping their organizations thrive."
What about my salary data?
Gloo is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your data. While Gloo’s acquisition of ChurchSalary included our database of survey records, Gloo does not sell data to third parties. They are not a data broker.
This means that your data will be used in the same way it always has: to analyze salary data and to help churches and church networks to make informed decisions about compensation.
Learn more about Gloo’s privacy standards and safeguards here.
This content is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is published with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. "From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations."
Due to the nature of the U.S. legal system, laws and regulations constantly change. The editors encourage readers to carefully search the site for all content related to the topic of interest and consult qualified local counsel to verify the status of specific statutes, laws, regulations, and precedential court holdings.